Would you like to help with the Sonsbeek archive?

Sonsbeek heeft een bijzondere geschiedenis die erom vraagt gearchiveerd en gedeeld te worden. In 2019 is een begin gemaakt met het opzetten van een Sonsbeek archief, in samenwerking met onze publieken, met creatieve makers en denkers, en verschillende partners van het Gelders Archief, tot cultureel centrum Rozet en ArtEZ. Hierdoor wordt er voor gezorgd dat bijzondere verhalen en ervaringen (oral history), en objecten gearchiveerd worden. Heb je ook iets van Sonsbeek dat je zou willen schenken aan, of laten digitaliseren voor het Sonsbeek archief? Of ervaringen en herinneringen die je zou willen delen? We horen het graag! Laten het ons weten via info@sonsbeek.org

Did you know that most of the archival material of Sonsbeek exhibitions is preserved at the Gelders Archief? In case you would like to know more about a certain editions, artwork, or artist, we recommend you use the search tool on the website of the Gelders Archief. www.geldersarchief.nl

Stay tuned to see the archive grow, and learn more about exceptional, sometimes hidden, histories.

Archive vitrine in collaboration with Rozet

Vanaf eind 2024 werken we opnieuw samen met Rozet om bijzonder archiefmateriaal uit het archief tentoon te stellen. In één van de vitrines langs de trap naar de 5de verdieping van Rozet kun je het archiefmateriaal bekijken. Een paar keer per jaar worden archiefobjecten gewisseld.

From 5 December 2024 until 5 April 2025, the carefully gathered and stored material of Valentino Dorigo will be on display. A volunteer during Sonsbeek 2001 and Sonsbeek 2008, Valentino was closely involved in Sonsbeek for quite some time. His personal archive consists of 4 folders with lots of different information on Sonsbeek 2001, such as press clippings, information on various public programme, and even unique photos and gloves. His daughter Marlies explains: 'Valentino worked as a volunteer during several exhbitions. He became a sort of pater familias and a connector. He was always there and shared many of his experiences as stories in e-mails. Hij really had a blast together with the artists and visitors.'

Cycling route old Sonsbeek artworks

In 2021, together with Theo Brink of the Stichting Kunst in de Publieke Ruimte Arnhem, Sonsbeek presented a cycling route through Arnhem, including old Sonsbeek works which are still visible in public spaces in Arnhem. The route starts at the Molenplaats at park Sonsbeek, and takes you to no less than 30 previous Sonsbeek works. From almost every past Sonsbeek edition, a work is included: it is as if you are cycling through history, from the war monument of Nel Klaassen of Sonsbeek '49 to the ping pong table of Louie Cordero from Sonsbeek '16: transACTION. Who knows new works will be added in the future!

In addition to the artworks, you will see a lot of Arnhem. You will go through park Sonsbeek, cemetery Moscowa, Presikhaaf, the Rhine river and bridge, and even the south of Arnhem. The route itself is about 25 kilometers, but you can decide to cycle a part of the route, or do the route in several stages.

The booklet is free to download below. There is also a map designed by Theo Brink, showing all the artworks.

Please note: it is no longer allowed to cycle in park Sonsbeek. This cycling route was connected to Sonsbeek 2021, and is therefore slighty outdated.
