
sonsbeek '52, fotograaf: Paul Kolkman ©Stichting Sonsbeek


Sonsbeek has a long history dating back to 1949, when Arnhem (and the Netherlands) was in the throes of reconstruction. Sonsbeek was initiated in 1949 as an exhibition for sculpture/art in public space, and meant as a support in the mental recovery from the Second World War. As one of the first international art projects after the Venice Biennale (1895), Whitney Biennial (1932), and preceding Documenta (1955), Sonsbeek has contributed to and redefined international contemporary art and sharing art works in public space. On this website you will find information about all twelve past Sonsbeek editions. You can learn more about the participating artists, download fun documents like press articles and maps and see which Sonsbeek works have been given a permanent place in the public space in Arnhem. 

You will notice that some data are missing from some editions. There are gaps in the Sonsbeek archive material. This is partly because not every edition is archived equally well, and material that is archived has sometimes been lost at a later date. If you have photos and other documents that are valuable for this website and the Sonsbeek archive, please let us know. Suggestions for improving the website are also welcome. You can contact info@sonsbeek.org. 

Some information, such as listing all photographers, will be visible in the near future. The website is under development and information will be added bit by bit.

We would like to thank all the curators, teams, and collaborators of previous editions and acknowledge their work. We are shaping an organization in which the thorough work from past editions, will find a place in the present and future. 


Orlando Maaike Gouwenberg (zij/haar) – general director
Suzanne Wallinga – Quartermaster (December 2023 – April 2024)
In the coming months, new team members will be hired. 

Raad van Toezicht

Joop Bergevoet
Ann Demeester
Frank Hemeltjen
Edwin Jacobs – Chair
Anneliek Sijbrandij
