Marco Paulo Rolla, Broken Extase, 2010; Sensible Smash, 2013; Sin Tomography, 2016

Sensible Smash shows a part of the performance 'Banquet' from 2003-2004. Banquet included a table with a banquet, the stage of a performance with different naked actors, food, and living chicken. Over two hundred people witnessed the performance, however the table was only fit for thirty. The food was for the thirty people sitting at the table. This social hierarchy reflects on our society.
Marco Paulo Rolla creates paintings, drawings, objects, installations, and performances in which desire is inextricably linked to death. Just like the contradictions pain and pleasure, good and evil. Using a still-life, he connects Dutch colonial history to Dutch still life paintings. Luxurious props often function as a means to criticise capitalism.