Reinaart Vanhoe, From hot to something else, 2016
For three years, Reinaart Vanhoe examined ruangrupa's practice, and he wrote a book about it. His second book on ruangrupa, on the activities of the ruru huis, was published after SONSBEEK '16. The one book is theoretical, and provides insights in the functioning and development of ruangrupa by using examples. Ruangrupa evolved from a group of artists, friends who live together, to the international artists-and-curator-collective they are now.
The other book is more practical, showing what happens in cities such as Arnhem with regard to transactions, and the ruru huis'The books might inspire the work methods of artists and curators in The Netherlands and Belgium', says Reinaart, who by now knows ruangrupa very well and also participated in Documenta 15 (2022).
For SONSBEEK '16, Vanhoe build an installation with books and 'remnants' of the ruru huis in Arnhem. It included posters, T-shirts, a banner, conversations, presentations, and food. The installation was on view at the ruru huis which relocated from the Looierstraat to the Molenplaats at park Sonsbeek on 23 June 2016.