Sonsbeek '52: Internationale Tentoonstelling Beeldhouwkunst
May 30-September 15, 1952
J.A. de Goeijen (chairman)
In terms of its organization and ambitions, Sonsbeek '52 can largely be regarded as a repetition of the first, well-attended Sonsbeek exhibition. Again, a jury, appointed by the Dutch Circle of Sculptors (consisting of art experts and artists), chose the artists and artworks. Once more, there was a small pavilion made from reeds, designated for smaller sculptures. However, unlike the first Sonsbeek, where over three-quarters of the work was made by Dutch artists, Sonsbeek '52 paid more attention to the works of French Neo-classicist masters such as Auguste Rodin, Artistide Maillol, Charles Despiau, and Antoine Bourdelle. Furthermore, several contemporary and rather avant-garde, were also included, such as the Italian Marino Marini (Equestrian statue) and the Frenchman Jean Arp (Preadamitische tors). There was one work that could be seen as truly innovative: a mobile by the American Alexander Calder.
- Mari Andriessen
- W. Anthoons
- Jean Arp
- Ernst Barlach
- O. Baum
- M. van Beek
- M. Boggild
- G. Bolhuis
- Antoine Bourdelle
- G. Brinkgreve
- H. Bronner
- D. Bus
- Alexander Calder
- J. Cantré
- Fred Carasso
- F.C. Carbasius
- M. Caron
- R. Couturier
- Wessel Couzijn
- Pearl Couzijn-Perlmutter 20
- Charles Despiau
- Liesbeth Dobbelmann
- Pauline Eecen
- V.P.S. Esser
- Pericle Fazzini
- W. Frass, J. Goldenbeld
- G. Grard
- E. Greco
- P. Gregoire
- John Grosman
- B. Guntenaar
- Roel D’Haese
- P. Harth
- J.W. Havermans
- H. Heerup
- Annie van der Heide-Hemsing
- Fri Heil
- B. Heiliger
- Henny Everdine 40
- P. D’Hont
- H. Hubacher
- C. Hund
- H. Ittmann
- Gijs Jacobs van den Hof
- O. Jespers
- Nel Klaassen
- Carel Kneulman
- G. Kolbe
- Paul Koning
- J.S. Kreijkamp
- Hildo Krop
- F. Krsinic
- T. Leeser
- K. Lehmann
- Willhelm Lehmbruck
- H. Leinfellner
- C. Leplae
- Jacques Lipchitz 60
- L. Lipchitz
- C.M. van Lith
- J. van Luyn
- M. Macken
- Aristide Maillol
- G. Marcks
- Marino Marini
- Marcello Mascherini
- J.P.W. Meefout
- I. Mestrovic
- Loekie Metz
- Constant Meunier
- A. Meyer
- Luciano Minguzzi
- G. Minne
- Henry Moore
- K. Nellemose
- A. Noack
- M. Pauw
- Constant Permeke 80
- François Pompon
- J.E. van Praag
- H. Puvrez
- Josepha Rab van Riemsdijk
- V. Radaus
- John. A. Raedecker
- T. van Reijn
- Auguste Renoir
- W. Reyers
- Germaine Richier
- J. Richters
- A. Riedel
- J. Rivière
- August Rodin
- E. Roeder
- J.M. Roosenburg
- T. Rosandic
- Remo Rossi
- A.C. Roth 100
- Gra Rueb
- Gerarda Rueter
- W. de Sanderes Hendrikz
- G. Saupique
- A.P. Schaller
- E. Scharff
- C. Schrikker
- C. Stauthamer
- N. Steenbergen
- K. Stemolak
- C. Steynberg
- P.A. van Stuyvenberg
- E. Suter
- A.J.P.F. Teeuwisse
- F. Verhaak
- H. Verhulst
- A. Viani
- Carel Visser
- A. Wansart 120
- C. Weddepohl
- L.O. Wenckebach
- J.G. Wertheim
- Han Wezelaar
- D. Wolbers
- Fritz Wotruba
- R. Wouters
- Ossip Zadkine
- J. van Zweden
Park Sonsbeek
Sonsbeek ’52, 1952
Design: unknown
Publisher: unknown
Facts and numbers
⋅ 110.000 visitors ⋅ 129 artists ⋅ 220 artworks ⋅ More attention for French masters such as Auguste Rodin and Aristide Maillol ⋅ first Sonsbeek with works by Italian sculptors
Still visible in Arnhem
François Pompon, Le Grand Cerf (Deer), 1952
Location: Willemsplein
Ossip Zadkine, Phoenix, 1944
Location: Beekstraat, near city hall
Gijs Jacobs van den Hof, Mens tegen macht, 1952
Location: Audrey Hepburnplein
Gijs Jacobs van den Hof, Pleuranten, 1952
Location: Moscowa cemetery, Weg lans de Begraafplaatsen
Jan Meefout, Gezin, 1952
Location: VMBO 't Venster (secondary school), Thomas a Kempislaan 82.