Sonsbeek '52: Internationale Tentoonstelling Beeldhouwkunst
30 May – 15 September 1952
J.A. de Goeijen (chairman)
In terms of organisation and aim, Sonsbeek '52 can be considered a contiuation of the first, very well-attended Sonsbeek exhibition. Contrary to the first Sonsbeek exhibition, however, which included about 75% Dutch artists, Sonsbeek '52 draws more attention to the works of French masters, most notably Auguste Rodin, Aristide Maillol, Charles Despiau and Antoine Bourdelle. As a result, Neoclassicism is more emphasised, and furthermore, the apparent hegemony of these sculptors. And yet, also several contemporary, somewhat avant-gardist arists exhibit their work, for example Marino Marini (equestrian statue) and French artist Jean Arp (Preadamite Torse). Despite the fact that their sculptures consist of traditional designs and materials, they move towards abstraction, therefore constrasting with the Neoclassical sculptures. However, perhaps there was only one piece that was truly innovative for its time: the kinetic 'mobile' of American artist Alexander Calder.
- Mari Andriessen
- W. Anthoons
- Jean Arp
- Ernst Barlach
- O. Baum
- M. van Beek
- M. Boggild
- G. Bolhuis
- Antoine Bourdelle
- G. Brinkgreve
- H. Bronner
- D. Bus
- Alexander Calder
- J. Cantré
- Fred Carasso
- F.C. Carbasius
- M. Caron
- R. Couturier
- Wessel Couzijn
- Pearl Couzijn-Perlmutter 20
- Charles Despiau
- Liesbeth Dobbelmann
- Pauline Eecen
- V.P.S. Esser
- Pericle Fazzini
- W. Frass, J. Goldenbeld
- G. Grard
- E. Greco
- P. Gregoire
- John Grosman
- B. Guntenaar
- Roel D’Haese
- P. Harth
- J.W. Havermans
- H. Heerup
- Annie van der Heide-Hemsing
- Fri Heil
- B. Heiliger
- Henny Everdine 40
- P. D’Hont
- H. Hubacher
- C. Hund
- H. Ittmann
- Gijs Jacobs van den Hof
- O. Jespers
- Nel Klaassen
- Carel Kneulman
- G. Kolbe
- Paul Koning
- J.S. Kreijkamp
- Hildo Krop
- F. Krsinic
- T. Leeser
- K. Lehmann
- Willhelm Lehmbruck
- H. Leinfellner
- C. Leplae
- Jacques Lipchitz 60
- L. Lipchitz
- C.M. van Lith
- J. van Luyn
- M. Macken
- Aristide Maillol
- G. Marcks
- Marino Marini
- Marcello Mascherini
- J.P.W. Meefout
- I. Mestrovic
- Loekie Metz
- Constant Meunier
- A. Meyer
- Luciano Minguzzi
- G. Minne
- Henry Moore
- K. Nellemose
- A. Noack
- M. Pauw
- Constant Permeke 80
- François Pompon
- J.E. van Praag
- H. Puvrez
- Josepha Rab van Riemsdijk
- V. Radaus
- John. A. Raedecker
- T. van Reijn
- Auguste Renoir
- W. Reyers
- Germaine Richier
- J. Richters
- A. Riedel
- J. Rivière
- August Rodin
- E. Roeder
- J.M. Roosenburg
- T. Rosandic
- Remo Rossi
- A.C. Roth 100
- Gra Rueb
- Gerarda Rueter
- W. de Sanderes Hendrikz
- G. Saupique
- A.P. Schaller
- E. Scharff
- C. Schrikker
- C. Stauthamer
- N. Steenbergen
- K. Stemolak
- C. Steynberg
- P.A. van Stuyvenberg
- E. Suter
- A.J.P.F. Teeuwisse
- F. Verhaak
- H. Verhulst
- A. Viani
- Carel Visser
- A. Wansart 120
- C. Weddepohl
- L.O. Wenckebach
- J.G. Wertheim
- Han Wezelaar
- D. Wolbers
- Fritz Wotruba
- R. Wouters
- Ossip Zadkine
- J. van Zweden
Park Sonsbeek
Sonsbeek ’52, 1952
Design: unknown
Published: unknown
Facts and numbers
⋅ 110.000 visitors ⋅ 129 artists ⋅ 220 artworks ⋅ More attention for French masters such as Auguste Rodin and Aristide Maillol ⋅ first Sonsbeek with works by Italian sculptors
Still visible in Arnhem
François Pompon, Le Grand Cerf (Deer), 1952
Location: Willemsplein
Ossip Zadkine, Phoenix, 1944
Location: Beekstraat, near city hall
Gijs Jacobs van den Hof, Mens tegen macht, 1952
Location: Audrey Hepburnplein
Gijs Jacobs van den Hof, Pleuranten, 1952
Location: Moscowa cemetery, Weg lans de Begraafplaatsen
Jan Meefout, Gezin, 1952
Location: VMBO 't Venster (secondary school), Thomas a Kempislaan 82.