Sonsbeek '71: Sonsbeek buiten de perken / Sonsbeek out of bounds
June 19-August 15, 1971
Wim Beeren (1928-2000)
Sonsbeek ’71: Sonsbeek Buiten de Perken vormde een radicale breuk met eerdere edities. Het trok internationale aandacht want nog nooit eerder werden de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de Conceptuele Kunst, Minimal Art, Land Art en Performance Art op deze schaal samengebracht. Voor het eerst werkte de tentoonstelling ook met een thema, ruimtelijke verhoudingen, en een curator, Wim Beeren.
Artists were invited to create an artwork based on their visit to Park Sonsbeek. Most artists did visit the park, and some (including Robert Smithson) criticized its artificial nature. The working committee, led by curator Wim Beeren, therefore decided to give some artists the choice to go beyond the boundaries of Park Sonsbeek Park. Ultimately, locations throughout the whole of the Netherlands were selected, resulting in a wide variety of projects and artworks.
One of the goals of the exhibition was to make visitors aware of the influence of (then new) communication technologies, such as the telephone and the telex machine, on the perception of space, distance and time. As a result, special communication centers were set up in Arnhem, Maastricht, Leiden, Rotterdam, Groningen, and Enschede where visitors were given the opportunity to use these devices. In the communication center in Park Sonsbeek, a video studio and discussion hall were installed.
Especially due to the use of installations and audio-visual equipment, the exhibition strongly deviated from the previous ones. The concept of Sonsbeek '71, which was described in the catalogue as an adventure and a dynamic manifestation, was both revolutionary and controversial. Visitors, but also art critics and even some of the artists, criticized the spreading out of the artworks and the subsidization of ‘elitist art,’ a qualification which circulated in the media. Although Sonsbeek '71 aimed to bring art closer to the public, it seemed to demonstrate and even increase the distance between art and art experts and the public. With 17.000 visitors the attendance was disappointing. Nevertheless, the 1971 edition is still regarded as one of the most revolutionary contemporary art exhibitions ever.
- Vito Acconci
- Bas Jan Ader
- Carl Andre
- Ben d’Armagnac
- Richard Artschwager
- Bruce Baillie
- Douwe Jan Bakker
- Joseph Beuys
- Ronald Bladen
- Marinus Boezem
- stanley brouwn
- Daniel Buren
- Javacheff Christo
- Tony Conrad
- Hanne Darboven
- Ad Dekkers
- Ger Dekkers
- Jan Dibbets
- Gert van Elk
- Pieter Engels
- Groep Enschede
- E.R.G.
- Hans Eykelboom
- Barry Flanagan
- Fluxus
- Hollis Frampton
- Ernie Gehr
- Dan Graham
- Robert Grosvenor
- Mike Heizer
- Douglas Huebler
- I.C.W.
- Ken Jacobs
- joepat
- Donald Judd
- On Kawara
- W. Knoebel
- Hans Koetsier
- Alex van der Kraan
- Peter Kubelka
- George Landow
- Standish Dyer Lawder
- Sol Lewitt
- Richard Long
- Walter de Maria
- Mass Moving
- Yutaka Matsuzawa
- Mario Merz
- Robert Morris
- Bruce Nauman
- Noord-Brabant Groep
- Claes Oldenburg
- Dennis Oppenheim
- Nam June Paik
- Panamarenko
- Egbert Philips
- Emilio Prini
- Klaus Rinke
- Peter Roehr
- Ulrich Rückriem
- Edward Ruscha
- Fred Sandback
- Jean-Michel Sanejouand
- Wim T. Schippers
- Paul Sharits
- Eric Siegel
- Tony Smith
- Robert Smithson
- Richard Serra
- Eric Siegel
- Kenneth Snelson
- Michael Snow
- Koert Stuyf en Ellen Edinoff
- Shinkichi Tajiri
- Sajiki en Yokoyama Tenjo
- Carel Visser
- Andre Volten
- Hans de Vries
- Lex Wechgelaar
- Lawrence Weiner
- Joyce Wieland
Amsterdam (Ger Dekkers, Hans Koetsier)
Antwerp (Panamarenko)
Arnhem – Park Sonsbeek (E.R.G., Carl Andre, Ronald Bladen, Ad Dekkers, Robert Grosvenor, Donald Judd, W. Knoebel, Sol LeWitt, Claes Oldenburg, Ulrich Rückriem, Fred Sandback, Wim T. Schippers, Tony Smith, Kenneth Snelson, Carel Visser, André Volten, stanley brouwn, joepat, Nam June Paik, Eric Siegel, Shikichi Tajiri).
– Gemeentemuseum Arnhem en Kröller Müller Museum (films) (Jan Dibbets, Ger van Elk, Vito Acconci, Bas Jan Ader, Bruce Baillie, Boezem, stanley brouwn, Javacheff Christo, Tony Conrad, Walter de Marie, Barry Flanagan, Fluxus, Hollis Frampton, Ernie Gehr, Dan Graham, Mike Heizer, Ken Jacobs, Peter Kubelka, Land Art, George Landow, Standish Dyer Lawder, Wim van der Linden, Richard Long, Robbert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Robert Nelson, Dennis Oppenheim, Peter Roehr, Wim T. Schippers, Richard Serra, Paul Sharits, Robert Smithson, Michael Snow, Joyce Wieland.
Dordrecht (Jean Michel Sanejouand)
Drienerloo – campus
Emmen – Robert Smithson
Enschede (information center, Edward Ruscha)
Groningen (information center)
Haarlem (Douwe Jan Bakker)
Leiden (Boezem)
Maastricht (Lex Wechelaar)
Pieterburen/Groningerwad (Richard Long)
Rotterdam (information center)
Santpoort/Velsen (Robbert Morris)
Stadskanaal (Edward Ruscha)
Ter Apel (Edward Ruscha)
Utrecht (Richard Artschwager)
Veendam (Edward Ruscha)
Vlake (Joseph Beuys)
Voerendaal (Mike Heizer)
Wijk bij Duurstede (Axel van der Kraan)
Sonsbeek ’71: Sonsbeek buiten de perken (two parts), 1971
Design: Jolijn van de Wouw (Total Design, Amsterdam)
Publisher: De IJssel, Deventer
Facts and numbers
Estimated 17.000-20.000 visitors ⋅ Exhibition locations throughout the Netherlands, 10 provinces ⋅ only permanent artwork by Robert Smithson in Europe was created for Sonsbeek '71 ⋅ Immense criticism by the foundation for professional artists (BBK), amongst others.